Tuesday, January 18, 2011

stay at home momma

well for the past 3 weeks, i have been staying at home with Jaylin.  i graduated in December and my last day of work at the library was December 23rd.  i've been home since.  i'm waiting on the state of Arkansas to send me my temporary nurse's license.  i can't start work until I have it in.
i admit the first couple of weeks were so much fun.  waking up and playing and running errands with my favorite little person all day.  don't get me wrong, it's still fun...i just want to work!!!  i didn't graduate from college to be a stay at home mom.  and this is no insult to those that are.  this is the HARDEST work i have ever done.  there is no down time.  i don't get to clock in and out.  there are no breaks and one hour lunches.  i eat fast when i can, i sit when she's preoccupied for a milisecond.  i'm exhausted!
how do you ladies who are stay at home momma's do it?  i'm craving adult interaction!
i'm so upset with the state boards for not having our licenses to us by now.   it's been over 3 weeks since our stuff was turned in.  don't they realize that's 3 weeks of no money!  i was supposed to start my new job on the 10th of january, but nooooo.  i'm going to be a recovery room nurse at Spark's hospital in Fort Smith.  i'm extremely excited about this.  it will be M-F 8 hour shifts during the day!  i will be on call 1 weekend a month.  this is the perfect mommy job.  i will be at home at night to get my little one to bed and at home during the weekend to hang out with the hubby!

until later


  1. I completely understand your dilemma- wanting to work,but yet loving the time you spend with your daughter. My "babies" are all grown up now- 26 and 28. I stayed home only while on maternity leave, and taught (spec. ed and elem ed) all through their growing up years. While I sometimes felt bad about always feeling scattered and rushed- and that my kids weren't getting many batches of homemade cookies, etc, for me, working was a good thing. I needed the dual aspects of life that being a working mother provides. It wasn't always pretty, but my kids turned out great, if I do say so myself!

  2. The hard part is definitely finding little times that you can get stuff done -- dishes, laundry, especially school. I mostly have to work on homework after he goes to bed at night.

    On Aaron's days off I am always wanting to be out of the house (because we only have one car, which he takes to work), but he is always wanting to be home because he's been out of the house all week.
