today is the day! razorback football! arkansas vs. alabama. alabama won the national championship last year and we have to prove that we are better than them. unfortunately i work today, but will be keeping up with it online.
jaylin is spending the night with her nana and poppy while jeremy and i celebrate the upcoming nuptials of our dear friends. jeremy has already left to head to his parents house so that he can hang out and watch the game with them. i'm jealous. i wish i was going over to their house with the lovely carpeted floors, 2, count 'em 1- 2 sofas you can sink into, a huge tv, and someone else to hold jaylin when she's being inconsolable(she doesn't get that way often). but i gotta work.
i'm excited about tonight. we are blessed to have so many wonderful family members willing to babysit our little giant all the time. but i'm really excited about tonight because we are going out with friends. not that i don't love and enjoy time with just me and jeremy, but it's nice to get out and hang out with some ladies at the same time that i'm hanging out with the hubbie. to sit and have a nice dinner and who knows what after that. but it will be fun, of that i am sure.
oh and on another note...jaylin has slept all night for 2 nights!!!!!!!!! i feel like i may be jinxing it by saying something this early, but it is awesome. no waking up in the middle of the night for a bottle or a diaper change(thank you fisher price diapers). last night she did wake up and cry, but soothed herself right back to sleep. i hope this is a sign of things to come and not just a lucky couple of days. wish us luck!!!
i just wanted to share this picture to show how truly blessed my life is. my child is such a happy baby!
well i'm off to finish getting ready for my day.
until later
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