Thursday, September 30, 2010


last night jeremy put our little giant to bed and it was awesome.  during her bath she splashed and played and then when he was putting her pajamas on her, i could hear her beautiful laughter ripping through the silent house.  they were having fun.  he fed her her oatmeal and then read her a story.  while all of this was going on, it made me think of a few things.

i'm so glad that jaylin will get to grow up in a household where she recieves no shortage of love.  her smile melts our heart.  while everday i am thankful for this wonderful blessing...i also realize that we are a blessing to her.
everday jeremy and i shower her with enough kisses and hugs to last a lifetime.  we worry about her nutrition, what books we read to her, are her toys stimulating enough, what can we do for her.  she is in every thought and every decision.
if only all children were that lucky.
some children would love to be cuddled to sleep.  to have someone care for all of their needs, not just the basics.  to be loved unconditionally.  to have a daddy that makes their heart swell and their voice rejoice in beautiful laughter.  to have a mommy that would go through all the hard parts of labor, a c-section, and the complications afterwards over and over again because it brought jaylin to me.
there is no love like the love a parent has for a child.  it is completely indescribable until you become a parent.  it's like a secret club with a big bouncer and you can't get in without knowing the intricate password.  a parent can try to explain it to a non-parent, but to no avail you just can't understand it until you become a parent.  i can't imagine how some people have children and then hurt them or just ignore them.  to not want to do everything and anything for that miracle that God has given them is completely unbelievable to me.

we are so blessed as a family to have each other.  i love my wonderful husband and wonderful daughter.  i couldn't have dreamed of a better family.

until later

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